Saturday, January 24, 2009

Chapter 1 - Critical Thinking Through Reading, Viewing, and Writing Summary

“The College Writer”: Chapter 1 Summary

This chapter on “Critical Thinking through Reading, Viewing and Writing” has basically given an outline for how to read, view and write better. The chapter covers SQ3R, which stands for Survey, Question, Read, Recite and Review. This technique enables you to focus more, go deeper into your work, and absorb the information you are given more easily. When you are reading, you need to be active in that process. You need to be sure and pace yourself, take notes or map your reading material, evaluate the information, have a response to the text as well as summarize it. You also need to learn how to use critical thinking for viewing and analyzing images and how to apply critical thinking into your writing. Basically when you are reading, viewing and writing you need to open your mind, ask questions, and be an active participant in the task you are completing. You need to be able to pull apart the text or image and put it back together again in your own words.

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